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5 Different Types of Pest Control Methods

Pest Control Methods

Generally speaking, pest control must be approached from a multitude of directions if it is to be truly effective.  There are a number of pest control methods you may use, and each of them has its own set of advantages and drawbacks.  In order to develop the best pest control plan for your particular circumstances, it is important that you weigh out all of your options.  So, just what do you have to choose from when it comes to keeping pests at bay?  Here are five different types of pest control methods:


This should be a part of your pest control plan no matter what, for there is no arguing that the best way to counter pest problems is to prevent them from happening in the first place.  There are three basic steps to prevention: sealing off all possible pest entryways, cutting off any food sources that may attract and sustain pests, and making sure your home is not a pest-breeding environment.


Pest baiting involves using a bait (which may be a pesticide, an organic substance like diatomaceous earth, or even a common kitchen pantry item) to attract insects into traps.  Some baits actually involve allowing the pests to feed on poisons which they will then bring back to their colonies, in effect poisoning the entire population.

Beneficial insects

This type of pest control is best for outdoor use.  We all know that there are certain pests that love to prey on outdoor foliage and garden plants.  What some may not know is that there are also insects that prey on those pests, and that you can order those beneficial insects through a catalog and put them in your yard to counter pests naturally.

Chemical pest control

Of course, insecticides are a very common form of pest control, and are typically used by pest control companies, as well as homeowners.  You can purchase insecticides at any chain retailer, hardware store, or home improvement store, and then simply apply them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


This is the best method for non-insect pests like mice and rats.  Traps are exactly what they sound like: ways of catching pests and holding them until you can get to the trapped pest to dispose of it.  In addition to the common mouse trap, you can also set up box traps for larger pests.

Of course, if you are not comfortable with handling your own pest control, you may opt to put your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached by phone, at 217-440-2847, or by email: ggpest1@gmail.com.