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How to Control Your Ant Problem

Control Your Ant Problem

Ants are pesky little buggers.  They seem to be able to infiltrate a building unnoticed, until they’ve somehow taken over.  How many times have you passed by a wall, only to notice for the first time a whole stream of ants marching along their way?  Sometimes it is easy to identify the crack or crevice through which they came, and sometimes it’s not . . . but either way, it’s never easy to get rid of them for good.  It seems that as soon as you think you’ve solved the problem, those ants come marching back again.  So what can you do to control your ant problem?  Here are some useful tips:

Follow the ants trail

You must identify where the ants are coming from, as well as where they are headed, so that you can cut off their entrance and their food source.  This shouldn’t be too hard, but you may have to look for a while to follow the ant trail both to where it starts and where it ends.  Once you know how ants are gaining entry, seal off that opening with silicone caulking.  Also, destroy the food source at the end of the trail so that ants have no reason to stick around.

Liquid ant bait

Once you’ve shut off entry and exit points, you can get to exterminating the ants that have taken up residence in your home.  Purchase ant bait from any chain retailer, hardware store, or home improvement store.  Terro is the industry leader, but there are many different brands to choose from.  There are a few different ways you can use bait.  Just follow the instructions on the package and set your “bait stations” around the house, wherever ants are likely to go.

Spray for ants

Of course, not all ant infestations are inside.  For outdoor ant problems, it is a good idea to use an ant spray.  Ant sprays are messier than bait, which makes them less ideal for indoors, but they are easy to apply in an expansive setting like your back yard.  Simply purchase an ant spray from any of the places mentioned above and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to wipe those colonies out.

What not to do

If you use ant bait for your indoor ant problem, you will notice that, initially, ants congregate around the bait in a mass.  It may be tempting to spray them then and there, just to get it over with, but doing this will only prevent them from bringing the poison back to the colony, where it is needed the most.

If you have an ant problem that isn’t going away, or you would just rather not deal with pests altogether, it is time to contact the professionals.  We at Double G Pest Control can cure your pest problem.

Reach us at Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email: ggpest1@gmail.com.