All posts by Greg Goodwin

Pest Control for Mice

Mice, mouse A bunch of mice running around[/caption]

Pest Control for Mice

Of all the pest problems people have, it seems they are most squeamish about mice.  It’s hard to say exactly why just the sight of a mouse is enough to send many people running for safety.  The only obvious thing is that people generally can’t stand the thought of sharing a home with those little furry creatures.  Why get rid of mice?  Well, in addition to the fact that, to many, they are just plain creepy, mice cause a considerable amount of damage – from toxic droppings to gnawed-up furniture.  If you have a population of mice living in your home, or even just a single mouse, then you need to know what you can do to solve your problem.  Here is a guide to pest control for mice:


Keep mice from entering your home in the first place by taking preventative measures.  Block off or seal all cracks, crevices, and holes through which mice may enter your home.  This means any space that is bigger than the cap of a pen.  Also, keep your home free of possible food and water sources for mice.  Cleanliness is everything when it comes to this, as even the tiniest crumbs left under a cabinet can be very tempting for mice.

Mouse traps

These simple devices are an easy and effective way to solve your mouse problem – as long as you only have one or a few.  Simply place baited mouse traps where you know mice are likely to congregate, and then check your traps every day to see if you’ve made a catch.

Poisoned bait

You can purchase mouse bait at any hardware, home improvement, or chain retail store.  Mice are attracted to the bait, which seems like food to them.  When they eat the bait, they poison themselves and die within hours.  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when it comes to using mouse bait properly.

Mouse trap glue board

Mouse trap glue board

Glue boards

These are exactly what they sound like: boards coated with glue.  The way they work is just as simple: mice who run over the glue boards get stuck in the glue and are therefore trapped.  Glue boards are highly effective, and are non-toxic (which is important if you have pets or small children).  All you have to do is check your glue boards on a daily basis and dispose of dead mice immediately.

Of course, if you are not comfortable with handling your own pest control, you may also opt to put your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached at Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email:

How to Control Your Ant Problem

Control Your Ant Problem

Ants are pesky little buggers.  They seem to be able to infiltrate a building unnoticed, until they’ve somehow taken over.  How many times have you passed by a wall, only to notice for the first time a whole stream of ants marching along their way?  Sometimes it is easy to identify the crack or crevice through which they came, and sometimes it’s not . . . but either way, it’s never easy to get rid of them for good.  It seems that as soon as you think you’ve solved the problem, those ants come marching back again.  So what can you do to control your ant problem?  Here are some useful tips:

Follow the ants trail

You must identify where the ants are coming from, as well as where they are headed, so that you can cut off their entrance and their food source.  This shouldn’t be too hard, but you may have to look for a while to follow the ant trail both to where it starts and where it ends.  Once you know how ants are gaining entry, seal off that opening with silicone caulking.  Also, destroy the food source at the end of the trail so that ants have no reason to stick around.

Liquid ant bait

Once you’ve shut off entry and exit points, you can get to exterminating the ants that have taken up residence in your home.  Purchase ant bait from any chain retailer, hardware store, or home improvement store.  Terro is the industry leader, but there are many different brands to choose from.  There are a few different ways you can use bait.  Just follow the instructions on the package and set your “bait stations” around the house, wherever ants are likely to go.

Spray for ants

Of course, not all ant infestations are inside.  For outdoor ant problems, it is a good idea to use an ant spray.  Ant sprays are messier than bait, which makes them less ideal for indoors, but they are easy to apply in an expansive setting like your back yard.  Simply purchase an ant spray from any of the places mentioned above and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to wipe those colonies out.

What not to do

If you use ant bait for your indoor ant problem, you will notice that, initially, ants congregate around the bait in a mass.  It may be tempting to spray them then and there, just to get it over with, but doing this will only prevent them from bringing the poison back to the colony, where it is needed the most.

If you have an ant problem that isn’t going away, or you would just rather not deal with pests altogether, it is time to contact the professionals.  We at Double G Pest Control can cure your pest problem.

Reach us at Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email:

Best Ways to Stop Your Rodent Problem

Stop Your Rodent Problem

For many, just the word “rodent” is enough to send them running for shelter somewhere high away from those creepy critters.  If you have a rodent problem, then you know how disruptive (and downright disturbing) it can be for everyone who lives in your home.  Fortunately, rodent issues can be cured if you take proper measures.  Want to know how?  Here are the best ways to stop your rodent problem:

Identify the rodent problem

Rodent problems are not only limited to rats and mice.  In order to treat your problem, you must first determine what you are dealing with.  Common pest rodents (besides those previously mentioned) include squirrels, bats, and even raccoons!


This is perhaps the most important thing you can do to keep rodents at bay.  A clean house ensures that there are no food sources to tempt rodents in and support their growth and reproduction.  All of those dark areas under your kitchen appliances (stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, etc.) are common food collection areas, and are therefore ideal rodent hangouts.  Clean these spaces regularly.  Also, be careful not to leave food or drinks out on tables and countertops overnight, and keep your pet’s food sealed in an airtight container.  When it comes to the outdoors, clear your property of dead brush, where rodents like to hide, and keep any lumber piles elevated off the ground.

Seal off rodent entry points

Inspect your home for areas where rodents may gain entry.  Look for cracks under doorways where weather stripping can be applied, gaps in tile roofs (rodents can actually chew through your roof and gain entry into your home through your attic), cracks in the foundation, and pipes and vents that lead from the outside in.

Rodent traps

For large rodents, you may set up a box trap.  Basically, you just set up a pet carrier with a trap door that falls when a lever, inside the box, is tripped by the rodent.  For smaller rodents like mice, you can set up mouse traps throughout the home.

Baits for rodents

If your home is host to more than just a few rodents, you may need to bait the rodent population to get rid of them on a large scale.  Purchase rodent bait from any chain retailer, hardware, or home improvement store, and then follow the manufacturer’s directions for usage.

If you are not comfortable handling rodent problems on your own, you can choose to put your rodent control into the hands of professionals like us.

Contact us at Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email:

Best Termite Control Methods

Termite Control Methods

Sure, termites look harmless enough . . . but they work in groups.  Termites prove the old saying about there being power in numbers, as they can, quite literally, tear your house apart if you let them.  Unfortunately, many home owners don’t even realize they have a termite problem until considerable damage has been done.  Therefore, it is important that you stay on the lookout for termites, and that you take action at the first appearance of those little winged creatures.  So how do you get rid of termites if you do happen to have an infestation?  Here is a guide to the best termite control methods:


As the old saying goes, the best defense is a good offense.  It is a good idea to prevent termite infestations from happening in the first place.  This takes foresight, and some handiwork.  You can give your home the best chances of staying termite-free by keeping outdoor wood piles away from the vicinity of your home.  This also applies to mulch and dead tree stumps.  Also, remember that termites thrive in damp areas; therefore, you should slope your property downhill from your slab, make sure your rain gutters are clean and diverting water away from the foundation, plant your ground covers and landscaping plants at least three feet from the home, and make sure your crawl space has enough ventilation to stay dry.  You may also pre-treat the soil under your foundation before you build your house, if that is an option for you.

Do-it-yourself termite control

You may opt to use termite bait or termite stakes to treat minor termite problems.  Both can be purchased at your local home improvement or hardware store, and each comes with its own set of pros and cons.  Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to determine which method is best for you.

Professional termite control methods

If you have a termite infestation, it is likely that you will need to enlist the help of trained professionals.  Only minor termite problems can be effectively treated with do-it-yourself methods.  Termite control for more serious cases involves the use of heavy machinery, and the type of knowledge, experience, and skill set that only pest control professionals will have.  Unless you know how to drill into your foundation, then you need to call a professional.

If you have a termite problem, and you would like the tough job taken care of, contact competent professionals like us.

Contact Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email:

7 Pest Control Tips

Pest control tips

If pests are a concern for you and you’d like to see to it that you have to deal with pests as little as possible, then you will be pleased to know that there are some very basic things you can do to keep pests at bay, and/or to rid your home of pests if you already have an infestation.  Interested in learning how?  Read up on these seven great pest control tips:

Seal off entry ways

Pests may enter your home in a number of different places.  Common entry ways are cracks around the doors and windows, holes and crevices in the walls, and through the foundation.  Inspect for possible pest entry points and seal them off.

Standing water

The most common cause of mosquito infestation is standing water outside.  This could be anything from the kiddie pool behind the house to that tiny puddle of water in your driveway.  Any water that has been sitting for a long period of time in a mosquito zone will become a mosquito breeding ground at one point or another.  Investigate your yard for culprits and clean them up immediately.


If you find that your home is already host to a pest colony, then you can take some do-it-yourself measures to rid your home of the pests by baiting them.  Simply purchase the appropriate bait at any local hardware store and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


Borax is a great insect poison.  If you have roaches in the house, sprinkle it where you know they hang out (and where you know children and/or animals won’t be playing).  For ants, mix borax with sugar and sprinkle the mixture around the perimeter of your foundation.  The sugar will attract the ants, and the borax will poison them.

Don’t feed pests

Pests need food to survive.  What’s more is that they are often invited into your home by the pleasant scent of food.  Make sure there are no food sources that can attract pests in your home.

Warm and moist environments

Remember that most pests thrive in dank environments.  Go through your home and do your best to make sure you’re not hosting a pest hot-spot.  Every space, even those you don’t see on a day-to-day basis, should have ample ventilation and should be free of standing water.


Don’t forget that not all pests are insects.  Rodents are common pests, and you can go a long way in controlling them by setting traps in all those dark hideouts where rodents can be found.

Of course, the simplest and easiest way to control pests is to enlist the help of professionals.

Contact Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email:

5 Residential Pest Control Tips

Residential Pest Control Tips

Pest control is a main concern when it comes to caring for your home and those who live in it.  Unfortunately, pests can be extremely perseverant when it comes to gaining entry into your home and taking up residence.  To keep pest problems at bay, follow these five residential pest control tips:


Cleanliness is the most important thing when it comes to prevention.  Pests love to feed on the remnants of last night’s (and last week’s, and last month’s) dinner.  Clean underneath cabinets, kitchen appliances, and large furniture pieces that serve as crumb shelters.  Also, keep your yard free of dead foliage piles, where pests like to hide.

Cutting off points of entry

Pests are very sneaky when it comes to finding entryways into your home.  Inspect your home carefully and thoroughly for any cracks, crevices, holes, or gaps where insects and/or rodents may be able to get in, and seal those gaps with caulk.

Good habits

Develop good general habits when it comes to caring for your home, and pest control will happen naturally.  For example, don’t ever leave food or drink out at night, as this is sure to tempt pests in.  Also, stay on top of your regular home maintenance; things like changing out your filters as needed, keeping your windows and doors properly sealed and weather-stripped, replacing missing roof tiles, sealing off cracks in your foundation, and cleaning the ventilation regularly will go a long way toward pest-proofing your home.  Remember that pests thrive in warm, moist environments – which is exactly the type of environment that can also wreak havoc on your home’s structure – so it is a good idea to inspect the basement and attic areas regularly for moisture problems.


If you already have pests living in your home, then setting up bait traps is a relatively simple and easy way to get rid of your pest problem.  You may purchase pest bait at any local retail merchandiser, hardware store, or home improvement store.  Simply follow the manufacturer’s instruction for application.

Long-term maintenance

Diatomaceous earth, a powdery substance made from fossilized algae that is completely safe for humans but extremely poisonous for pests, is effective at treating a wide variety of common household pests – from fleas to ants to cockroaches.  You may sprinkle diatomaceous earth anywhere you think pests are likely to congregate in order to keep them away on a long-term basis.

Of course, if you are not comfortable with handling your own pest control, you may also opt to put your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached by phone, at 217-440-2847, or by email:

5 Good Reasons You Know it’s Time to Call a Pest Control Company

Pest Control Company

Pest control is a serious consideration for every homeowner.  Many people opt to handle pest control themselves, and some are even successful at it.  However, there are circumstances when it is best that you leave your pest problems in the hands of experienced professionals.  When should you call in for help from the experts?  Here are five good reasons you know it’s time to call a pest control company:

Your home is infested with termites

Termites are perhaps one of the most difficult pests to rid your home of.  Termite control involves using machinery to locate termite colonies and to drill into your home’s foundation, where the termite poison is placed.  Chances are you have neither the know-how nor the tools with which to do this.  Best to leave this job up to a professional.

Bed bugs

Contrary to popular belief, these pests hide out in a number of places outside of your sleeping quarters, and are often extremely difficult to find.  If you feel the itch of bed bugs when you lie down in your bed, then you can bet that there is a whole family of like-minded pests hiding in very elusive locations.  Pest control professionals know exactly where to look, and also how to treat bed bugs in stages, which is the only way of preventing the problem from reoccurring.

You’re not sure what the problem is?

You know that you have an infestation of something, because you are seeing the signs throughout your home.  Unfortunately, you haven’t been able to catch any of those little buggers in action, and you therefore have no idea what you’re up against.  The professionals can help you identify exactly what kind of pest you are dealing with.

Stinging insects

These pests present an immediate danger to your well being, and anything you do to upset them only increases your risk of ending up in the emergency room with life-threatening stings.  For safety purposes, leave this job to a pest control company.

The pest problem is chronic

So you did everything you were supposed to do and the pests went away . . . for a while, that is.  When they came back, they came back with a vengeance, and you have been stuck in this cycle for a while.  If your do-it-yourself pest control methods are only helping on a temporary basis, then you should enlist the help of a pest control company for ongoing maintenance of your pest problem.

As you can see, there are some clear-cut situations in which hiring a pest control company is advised.  Put  your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached by phone, at 217-440-2847, or by email:

5 Different Types of Pest Control Methods

Pest Control Methods

Generally speaking, pest control must be approached from a multitude of directions if it is to be truly effective.  There are a number of pest control methods you may use, and each of them has its own set of advantages and drawbacks.  In order to develop the best pest control plan for your particular circumstances, it is important that you weigh out all of your options.  So, just what do you have to choose from when it comes to keeping pests at bay?  Here are five different types of pest control methods:


This should be a part of your pest control plan no matter what, for there is no arguing that the best way to counter pest problems is to prevent them from happening in the first place.  There are three basic steps to prevention: sealing off all possible pest entryways, cutting off any food sources that may attract and sustain pests, and making sure your home is not a pest-breeding environment.


Pest baiting involves using a bait (which may be a pesticide, an organic substance like diatomaceous earth, or even a common kitchen pantry item) to attract insects into traps.  Some baits actually involve allowing the pests to feed on poisons which they will then bring back to their colonies, in effect poisoning the entire population.

Beneficial insects

This type of pest control is best for outdoor use.  We all know that there are certain pests that love to prey on outdoor foliage and garden plants.  What some may not know is that there are also insects that prey on those pests, and that you can order those beneficial insects through a catalog and put them in your yard to counter pests naturally.

Chemical pest control

Of course, insecticides are a very common form of pest control, and are typically used by pest control companies, as well as homeowners.  You can purchase insecticides at any chain retailer, hardware store, or home improvement store, and then simply apply them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


This is the best method for non-insect pests like mice and rats.  Traps are exactly what they sound like: ways of catching pests and holding them until you can get to the trapped pest to dispose of it.  In addition to the common mouse trap, you can also set up box traps for larger pests.

Of course, if you are not comfortable with handling your own pest control, you may opt to put your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached by phone, at 217-440-2847, or by email:


Pests And Pest Control

Are you being invaded by pests?

Pests and pest control

There are lots of pests in this world, and at some point everyone will find themselves battling a pest. Pest can invade our garden, our home, buildings; the list goes on and on. Pests can be bugs, plants or animals. Just the mention of fleas, cockroaches, dandelions, mold, mice and rats can elicit strong emotions. Pests present a health hazard to your family, pets, and garden.

It is important to know how to properly control these pests that invade our lives. It is nearly impossible to eliminate pests, but it is imperative to control these invasive pests. There are various methods of controlling pests; these can include chemical control, biological control, mechanical methods, or a combination thereof.

Mechanical pest control

Mechanical pest control is usually the most cost effective and if implemented before a vast infestation takes place can produce desired results. Mechanical methods include hand picking (such as pulling weeds) and traps (such as a mouse trap). Mechanical methods of pest control are usually the most environmentally friendly.

Biological pest control includes insecticides that are derived from plants or other naturally occurring substances such as microorganisms.

Chemical pest control includes the use of more toxic synthetic pesticides. Chemical pest control is not environmentally friendly and is never considered as an organic method of control.

Integrated Pest Management

“Integrated Pest Management is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information along with available pest control methods, including cultural, biological, genetic and chemical methods, to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment”. (Proceedings of the National Integrated Pest Management Forum. 1992. American Farmland Trust)

Integrated Pest Management stresses the use of complementary methods of pest control such as the introduction of natural predators. This method of pest control is much more ecologically sound than relying on chemical methods.

The first step in pest control is to identify the problem. Particularly when plants are involved, the problem may involve poor growing conditions instead of an attack from an invasive pest. Sometimes identifying the pest is obvious, if you see a mouse scurrying across the floor it is obvious you have need for pest control. The next step is to identify how serious the infestation is, or is this just one mouse that has found its way into your home, or is there a family of mice that has taken up habitation in your home. One mouse can often easily be eradicated using a mouse trap or possibly the family cat. However if you have a large infestation of mice, you may need to resort to stronger chemical methods or find it necessary to hire a professional exterminator to rid your home of the pest problem.

Put  your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached by phone, at 217-440-2847, or by email: ggpest1@gmail.comCall us today!

Pros and Cons of DIY Pest Control

Pros and Cons of DIY Pest Control

If you own a home, or even if you rent, pest control is sure to be one of your major considerations, perhaps even right under paying your bills and keeping your house clean.  Nobody likes the thought of sharing a home with insects and/or rodents, and therefore there are a number of ways to rid your home of these pests.  You may handle the job yourself, or you may hire a professional pest control company.  Which is the best choice for you?  Here are some pros and cons of DIY pest control, to help you make that decision.


Money savings.  Of course, the most obvious reason to do anything yourself is that you can save money by not hiring someone else to do the job.  By purchasing pest control products at your local home improvement store and then administering it on your own, you can save a significant amount of money on your pest control.

The choice is yours.  You get to choose your own products and methods, and don’t have to leave those decisions to whichever pest control company you choose.

You know what is where.  It’s always comforting to know where pest spray was applied in your home, especially if you have pets and/or children.  When you are the one doing the spraying and baiting, you know exactly what is where.


You are not a professional.  Simply put, do-it-yourselfers are generally not as successful at treating pest problems for good as are professional pest control companies.  Face it: you simply don’t know as much about pest control as a professional who has years of experience.  Application errors that you consider small could be enough to endanger you and your family, and even to make pest infestations worse.

Safety risks.  Many pest control products are actually very strong and dangerous poisons.  Handling those poisons puts you at risk, and may even put your family at risk, if you aren’t absolutely sure of what you are doing.  Why take that risk?

The spread of infestation.  Did you know that it is possible to spread a localized infestation throughout the rest of the house?  Not only is it possible, but it’s actually a fairly common occurrence for do-it-yourselfers who aren’t familiar with proper pest control protocol.

If you do decide to put your pest control into the hands of professionals, contact Double G Pest Control and Lawn Services for top-rate service.

We can be reached by phone, at 217-440-2847, or by email: