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Bed Bug Advisory

Bed bugs are on the rise

Bed bug advisory

It is well known that bed bugs have been on the rise in North America for the last 10 years.  Numerous research labs are studying this pest to understand bed bug behavior such as feeding, mating, egg laying, maturation and mobility.  There are different strains of bed bugs found around the country and each has different levels of resistance to commonly used insecticides.  Different strains of bed bugs can take an hour to several hours to succumb to lethal exposure of insecticides used to treat bed bug problems.

Bed Bug on skin

Getting a blood meal is crucial for bed bug development and reproduction.  Finding and feeding on a host is essential to bed bug survival.  All stages of bed bugs use blood as a food source, which they can get from humans, dogs and cats, birds and rabbits.

Bite symptoms typically show on exposed skin surfaces and are often in rows and clusters. Bed bug bites can look like many other reactions. Studies show many people who are exposed to bed bugs will either show delayed or no symptoms at all.

Over the last decade pest management professionals (PMPs) have seen a large influx of products and technologies aimed at preventing and eliminating the bed bug.  Commercial pest control service programs aim to protect their residential customers and commercial clients such as hotels, multi-unit apartments, beds, guests and reputations from bed bug infestations.

Bed bug treatment options

There are many treatment options for bed bug infestations.  There is no “one right” way. While heat treatment, fumigation, non-chemical approaches, pesticides and IPM can all work, it’s not about what you use but rather how you use it.  Pest management professionals have a full tool box of options from which to choose.  Concerns over resistance to some insecticides used by PMPs to eliminate these most unwanted pests from homes, apartments, condominiums, hotels and dormitories have arisen.  One of the most common infestation sources for bed bugs is used furniture. Not only these places but also public places where people gather in are becoming feeding grounds for these prolific pests.  Children from homes were infestations are occurring have been found to be transporting bed buds in their clothing and book bags to schools spreading the bed bugs to more public places adding to more and more public hysteria about this pest.

From a recent article in Pest Control on line, “a University of Kentucky study surveyed more than 2,000 frequent business and leisure travelers to determine their preferences when choosing a hotel and how bed bugs influence their decisions. The report revealed that on average a single report of a bed bug lowers the value of a room by $38 for business travelers and $23 for leisure travelers, respectively. The study also showed the monetary value for travelers’ concerns about bed bugs make it one of the most important considerations when selecting or grading a hotel.  This should make hotel general managers and operations directors sit up and take notice because the highly sought-after business traveler represents the potential for multiple stays and is willing to pay a premium price.”

“When asked what they would do if they read an online review of a property that mentioned bed bugs, the majority of both business and leisure travelers responded they would book a room elsewhere.”

Reference: http://www.pctonline.com/article/a-fungus-among-us-that-kills-bed-bugs/

Since the bed bug resurgence started a decade ago, pest management professionals have taken a mostly reactive approach to solving customers’ bed bug problems. In fact according to a survey by Specialty Consultants there was an increase of 11.4% in the number of bed bug jobs complete by PMPs in 2016 over 2015.  In the Midwest, bed bugs are now the second highest revenue generating pest for professional pest control companies.  Bed bugs are expected to be a $1 Billion dollar annual service by the year 2020.  High-rise apartments have been identified as suffering those most severe bed bug infestations.

Baits and sprays have strengths that can complement each other and effectively address both pest prevention and infestation management.  Also, use of vacuum or steamer and consideration for the use of mattress encasements and monitors.

Heat is a great way to treat for bed bugs, but it involves a full day of work, so it can be costly. For companies that take an integrated approach to bed bug control they have to be aware of pesticide resistance.

There are numerous approaches to killing bed bugs and if done properly, the problem should go away. To get it done properly, safely and in an environmentally friendly manner businesses and consumers need to hire a professional pest control company like Double G Pest Control.  It takes through training, effective control tools and techniques and customer cooperation to get control of this pest and eliminate it.
