Tag Archives for " bed bugs "

Pest Control Professionals for Your Home or Business

Why you need pest control professionals.

How you noticed the number of pest control related articles in the main stream media news lately?

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Back in March and April this year it was reported that there were bed bugs found at the Kansas City International Airport in the gate seating area.  The seat where the bed bugs were found was near an area where there several restaurants nearby.  The bed bug problem was addressed quickly by airport staff and other areas were checked and no further bed bugs were found.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2018/04/01/bed-bugs-found-in-kansas-city-international-airport-sitting-area.html

Wonder how those bed bugs got there?  Bed Bugs are hitch hikers and they love to travel in your luggage.  Whether or not the traveler knew it or not, they where just letting their hitch hikers find new places to travel to and meet new people.

Bed bugs are a common infestation in public places especially when it comes to travel.

Other airlines have had problems.  London Heathrow and the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport terminal had infestations too this past year.

The National Pest Management Association says that bed bug infestations in the US continue at high rates, with nearly 99.6 percent of pest control management agencies having treated for bed bugs in the past year.

Source: https://thepointsguy.com/news/bed-bug-infestation-found-in-kansas-city-airport/

Bed bugs were in the news in July too.  Orkin released a report called the Top 50 Bed Bug Cities.  #1 on that list was Baltimore Maryland.  Also, at the top of that list were the nearby cities of Washington D.C., Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio.  The threat of real folks.  You have to be careful when your traveling to these areas.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2018/07/27/baltimore-has-worst-bed-bug-infestation-in-america-according-to-study.html

More resources:



The Scourge of Bed Bugs


Just this week the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport was reported as having issues with rats.  A large number of construction projects at the airport are pushing the rats to move inside the airport where they are finding lots of food sources with the huge amount of trash that is generated by airport travelers.

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Source: http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2018/09/07/seatac-airport-battling-rat-infestation.html

The air port is having to spend a great deal of money on pest control services, additional staff and adding many new rat traps to control the rat problems.

Termites were in the news in August.  Termites cause billions of dollar’s worth of property damage annually across the U.S.  Most homeowner’s insurance policies don’t cover this type of damage which is why if you own a wood frame home you must be vigilant and proactive about having termite extermination.

Termites are survivors having been in existence for over 120 million years.  There are over 2,600 species of termites and they live on all the continents of the world except for Antarctica.  Imagine that they don’t like cold weather and the icy conditions found there.

Termites have evolved and due to their ability to burrow and live in the soil.  They have evolved into many different species that thrive in the different environments they live in.


If you suspect you have a termite infestation in your home, it is best to call a professional to come and evaluate the potential problem.  If found early enough the problem can be treated and the home can be saved.  This is why having a licensed exterminator is the best person to diagnose the severity of your infestation and to work on get the termites eliminated from your home.




Double G Pest Control, Inc. is a Pest Control Services company located in Hannibal, Missouri, 63401, and caters for the Northeastern Missouri and West Central Illinois service area. Double G Pest Control, Inc. provides residential and commercial pest control services, pest extermination, sprayed lawn treatments and lawn fertilization to residential homes and commercial businesses.  The organization has been servicing customers since 2013 and has been helping satisfied clients ever since.

So is you think you have a Pest Control Problem, call us today – (217)440-2847 or (573)713-0035.

More info:


The Scourge of Bed Bugs

Once nearly eradicated in the United States, the small, flat, brown bugs with a big bite are menacing cities from coast to coast as they scurry back in alarming numbers.  Why? Increased international travel and immigration, along with the loss of effective insecticides, has helped this insect spread faster than any other urban insect pest.  For example, in April 2018, bed bugs were found in a sitting area at the Kansas City International Airport in Missouri. According to the Kansas City Star, the discovery was made March 28 inside Terminal B. Airport spokesman Kathleen Hefner says the infestation was on an upholstered chair in an area near several restaurants.

History of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have been a household pest issue for more than 3,300 years, dating back to ancient Egypt. They were first brought to the United States by early colonists, where they thrived for many decades. However, by the 1950’s, bed bugs had been all but eradicated in the developed world, thanks to the availability of new pest control products, coupled with the widespread use of vacuums and washing machines which helped to control the spread of infestations in living spaces.  https://www.pestworld.org/all-things-bed-bugs/history-of-bed-bugs/

The current problem

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The resurgence of bed bugs has created significant concern in the pest management industry and in society overall. Controlling, let alone eradicating, this pest is extremely difficult.

A recent article by The Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), states:

“With 97 percent of U.S. pest professionals reporting they have treated for bed bugs in the past year, it’s clear that bed bugs remain a pervasive problem,” said Cindy Mannes, executive director of PPMA. “What’s more alarming, is that an overwhelming majority of bed bug calls originate as a customer calling for another type of pest, such as fleas”. This extreme rate of misidentification underscores the need for public understanding of how to spot an infestation, and to hire a professional before it gets out of hand.”

Below are some key highlights from PPMA’s 2018 Bugs Without Borders survey:

1) Almost all (97 percent) pest professionals have treated bed bugs in the past year. A majority of them say that overall bed bug service work (69 percent) and the prevalence of these pests (66 percent) are increasing.

2) Bed bugs may be easily confused with other pests, as 84 percent of pest control professionals were initially contacted about a different type of pest before identifying them as bed bugs. Many of these contacts (71 percent) were about fleas, followed by cockroaches (28 percent).

3) More than half of pest control professionals noted that they receive the most bed bug complaints during the summer, as increased travel during this time of the year may help spread bed bugs from vacation destinations to homes or even college lodgings to homes as students go on summer break.

Bedbug bites

4) The top three places where pest professionals encounter bed bugs are single-family homes (91 percent), apartments/condominiums (89 percent), and hotels/motels (68 percent). However, bed bugs can be found in high numbers in a variety of other places:

  • Nursing Homes – 59 percent
  • Schools & Day Care Centers – 47 percent
  • Office Buildings – 46 percent
  • College Dorms – 45 percent
  • Hospitals – 36 percent
  • Public Transportation – 19 percent

5) Bites are the most commonly reported sign of an infestation (92 percent) and more than half of people reach out for treatment after discovering bites and welts on their bodies. Although some people immediately develop a skin reaction to bites, others may take two to three days before showing obvious symptoms or any symptoms at all, meaning that people could be unaware of a bed bug problem until a full-blown infestation has taken root.

Bed bug bites around left wrist

6) Typically found in couches and bed frames, bed bugs can also be found in some of the most unexpected places, including stuffed animals, wheelchairs, airplanes, school buses, purses and even inside bedside lamps.

The bed bugs are travelers and hitch a ride whenever they can.  They are now everywhere and treating them is not only financially and physically difficult, but the stigma attached to an infestation can be the cruelest bite of all.

Bedbugs should not be equated with filth or sanitation problems — in hotels or in homes, for that matter. Bedbugs are very elusive, transient pests. They are often found in other areas besides the bed. And they are hardy. They can live for several months without eating and can withstand a wide range of temperatures from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Bedbugs can be controlled with vigilance, constant inspection and treatment by professional pest control companies.

State Guidelines

Every state most likely has guidelines and policies in place for controlling infestations and other nuisances.  As residents of Missouri or Illinois, are you aware of the policies our state holds up?






You can find information here on the United States EPA Website about bed bug identification and bed bug life cycle information.

Life cycle

After mating, females lay white, oval eggs (1/16″ long) into cracks and crevices.

  • An individual bed bug can lay 200 to 250 eggs in her lifetime.
  • The eggs hatch in 6 to 10 days and the newly emerged nymphs seek a blood meal.
  • Immature nymphs molt five times (they shed their outer exoskeleton) before reaching adulthood.
  • There may be three or more generations per year. All ages are found in a reproducing population.
  • Under normal circumstances adult bed bugs will live for about 2 to 4 months.

Bed bugs need to feed at least once before each molt, although they could feed as often as once a day.

Bed bug nymph, Cimex lectularius

Young nymphs can survive without a blood meal for days up to several months. Older nymphs and adults can survive longer without a blood meal up to a year under favorable conditions.

Prevention while traveling

Looking to avoid bed bugs? Bed bug prevention is a lot easier than eliminating an existing infestation. As the public’s awareness of the bed bug resurgence grows, focus on bed bug prevention has also grown. Many Americans are modifying their behaviors to minimize their risk of an infestation.

Adult bed bugs can live for several months without eating, making them especially hard to control. Once inside a hotel or home, bed bugs spread rapidly from room to room – through pipes, in vacuum cleaners, on clothing and luggage. In a hotel, bed bugs can even spread to neighboring rooms, since guests are may end up moving to another room.

If you stay in a hotel or motel, keep these bed bug travel tips in mind. It is important that you take some precautions to ensure that your room is bed-bug free before you settle in. In a recent survey by NPMA, 75% of pest control professionals indicated that they have encountered infestations of bed bugs in hotels and motels. The NPMA recommends the following tips for bed bug prevention when traveling:

  •  At hotels, pull back the sheets and inspect the mattress seams, particularly at the corners, for telltale stains or spots.  If you see anything suspect, notify management and change rooms/establishments immediately.
  • Thoroughly inspect the entire room before unpacking, including behind the headboard and in sofas/chairs.  If any pests are spotted, change rooms/establishments immediately.
  • If you do need to change rooms, be sure that you do not move to a room adjacent and/or directly above/below the suspected infestation.  Bed bugs can easily hitchhike via housekeeping carts, luggage and even through wall sockets. If an infestation is spreading, it typically does so in the rooms closest to the origin.
  • Consider placing your suitcase in a plastic trash bag or protective cover during the duration of your trip to ensure that bed bugs cannot take up residence there prior to departure.

Remember: bed bugs travel by hitching rides. After your trip, inspect your suitcases before bringing them into the house. Vacuum your suitcase thoroughly before storing away. Consider using a garment hand steamer to steam your luggage, which will kill any bed bugs or eggs that may have hitched a ride home.

Wash all of your clothes – even those that have not been worn – in hot water to ensure that any bed bugs that may have made it that far are not placed into your drawers/closet.

Bed Bug Treatment

Bed bug (265 17)

Like most professional pest control companies, Double G Pest Control uses a variety of methods, including chemicals, such as diatomaceous earth, and heat treatment. With heat treatment, heaters are brought into a unit, which is warmed to a temperature well above 120 degrees for several hours, killing the bugs.

When you know you have bed bugs, you must evaluate each situation to determine the right course and best treatment.  First you must isolate the problem, find the bugs, and plan your approach.  Successful treatment can take several weeks of repeated treatment and monitoring to eliminate the bed bug problem. This is why the cost of treating and eliminating bugs is so expensive.

Because bed bugs are capable of surviving for long periods of time between feedings, during the day they hide seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, dressers, tables, cracks and crevices, behind wallpaper, electric outlets, or under any clutter or objects around a bed. Check for any blood staining on mattresses, which is also a sign of infestation.

Hotels are a prime source of bed bugs but not the only source. Nearly every resource said the best practice for staying in hotels is to walk in, place luggage in the bathtub, then check around the bed, under the edges of the mattress, and in the curtains before unpacking and making yourself to home.

Most hospitals and home health care staff are now taking precautions as well with incoming patients.

Much of the information below on treatment is taken from this website and its excellent article.

The reality is that bed bugs are one of the most difficult pest problems to eradicate quickly. By far, the best solution for bed bugs is to hire a pest control company with experience successfully controlling bed bugs. Unfortunately, this can be expensive and beyond the means of many people. If you feel you cannot afford to hire a professional, and want to attempt do-it-yourself bed bug control, there are some things you can do. With diligence and patience and some hard work you have a fighting chance of getting rid of bed bugs in your home.

If you live in an apartment or condominium, it’s best to alert the property manager.  A coordinated bed bug control effort using a pest control company is generally needed in such situations. Bed bugs readily move from apartment to apartment, with many people unaware that they have a problem. If one apartment is infested, adjoining units (left side, right side, above and below) should be assumed to be infested unless shown otherwise through inspection or monitoring.  Simply asking tenants whether they have bed bugs is not enough.  In one recent study only half of apartment residents whose homes were determined to have bed, bugs knew (or admitted) they had a bed bug problem.

Pesticides alone are not the answer to bed bugs. Most of the commonly used pesticides today, including professional products and consumer products advertised for control of bed bugs, are at best moderately effective at controlling these pests. Pesticides must be used with care for safety and with attention to proper application to work well. Aerosol “bug bombs” or “fumigators” are also mostly ineffective in eliminating bed bugs. Aerosol insecticides mainly kill insects that are exposed, and out of their hiding places, not those hidden behind baseboards, in cracks and crevices of the bed, under carpet edging and in walls. Steps for do-it-yourself bed bug control

Ozzy, Toby and Becca The Bed Bug Scent Detection Beagles

Determine which rooms are infested. Bedrooms are the principal locations for bed bugs; however, any room where people sleep in the home may provide harborage for bed bugs. Living rooms with sofas and sofa beds are the next most common sites for bed bugs. Typically, an infestation starts in one room and spreads slowly to other places where people sleep.  The sooner you find and treat bed bugs the easier it will be to get rid of them.  Wait too long and bed bugs may be found throughout your home.

Don’t throw your bed away.  It’s generally unnecessary to throw away beds or bedding. It is expensive to replace bedding, and chances are that any new mattresses, box springs or beds you bring into the home will quickly become re-infested.  The money to replace a bed or mattress might better be spent on hiring a professional.

Create a safe place to sleep.  This is critical because staying in your own bed will reduce the risk of bed bugs spreading throughout your home. If you move to another room to sleep, the bed bugs will eventually follow.  Then you’ll have bed bugs in multiple rooms. Make your bed a safe place to sleep by:

Stripping and vacuuming the mattresses and box springs and encasing them.  Double bag your bedding and wash in hot water and dry for at least 30 minutes (discard the inner bag after putting bedding into the washer, as it could have bed bugs).  After vacuuming suspected bed bugs from the bed, take your vacuum cleaner outdoors and remove and discard the bag.  Purchase a good quality set of bed-bug-proof encasements for your mattresses and box springs. Bed bug-proof encasements are fabric sacks into which you slide your mattress or your box spring. The zippers on bed bug encasements are designed to be tight enough to prevent even the smallest life stages of the bed bugs from escaping. Also, good bed bug-proof encasements are woven to prevent bed bugs from biting you through the encasement. A good encasement will trap all bed bugs in the mattress and box spring inside, and will be smooth on the outside, providing few places for bed bugs to hide. Sears, Target, Walmart and other stores may sell bed bug-proof encasements, but these can also be purchased online. A good place to look for different brands and reviews of mattress encasements is Amazon.com (whether you buy there or at a local store). Go to http://www.amazon.com and search for “bed bug mattress protectors”.

Killing all bed bugs on your bed frame and headboard. Normally this would be done by a pest control professional. Approximately 70% of all bed bugs in the typical infestation are located on the mattress, box spring and bed frame.  You’ve encased the mattress and box spring and taken care of that problem.  Now you must make sure that your bed frame is bed bug free. Vacuuming alone won’t do this.  Vacuuming can remove many bed bug adults and nymphs, but it isn’t very good at removing eggs.  For this job you’ll need insecticide sprays and possibly dusts to treat every crevice and void in your bed.  For insecticide spray and dust options see below. Remember that insecticides can be hazardous if you don’t follow label directions.  Read the whole label before spraying or dusting.  The label directions are the law and failure to follow the label not only puts you and your family at risk, it is against the law.  Homemade sprays, by the way, are usually less safe than commercial insecticides.  Stick with the legal stuff.

Isolating your bed from the rest of the house.  If you don’t use a bed, purchase a frame that gets your mattress off the floor and install bed bug interceptors under all feet of the bed frame to keep bed bugs off your bed while you are sleeping. Interceptors are special platforms or cups that are purchased to prevent bed bugs from climbing on to your bed.  An interceptor can be as simple as a sticky card placed under a bed post (sticky and messy).  Better are one of the commercial pitfall traps made specifically for this purpose.  The Climbup™ Bed bug Interceptor and BlackOut BedBug Detector (Google them) are two such products sold online. Relatively inexpensive, these cups trap bed bugs attempting to climb (or exit) the bed. If you have encased your bedding, treated your bed frame thoroughly and installed interceptors, you will be instantly protected against bed bugs.  Don’t take out your clean bedding or put it back on the bed until the bed has been treated (and dried) and encasements installed. And note that for this method to be effective, beds and bedding must not touch the floor, furniture or walls.  This would provide bed bugs other ways to climb onto the bed and foil your defenses.

Kill the Bed Bugs

  •  Make sure the methods you select are safe, effective and legal. See What’s Legal, What’s Not for more information.
  •  Consider non-chemical methods of killing bed bugs. Some will be more useful than others.
  •  Heat treatment using a clothes dryer on high heat, black plastic bags in the sun or a hot, closed car (pest management professionals have other methods that are not suitable for non-trained individuals to use).
  •  Cold treatment can be successful in the home environment if the freezer is set to 0o F. You must leave the items in the freezer at that temperature for four days. (Always use a thermometer to check the temperature, since home freezers are not always set to 0o.)
  •  Reducing the numbers of bugs with these and other non-chemical methods is helpful but is unlikely to entirely eliminate the infestation.
  •  If needed, use pesticides carefully according to the label directions or hire a pest management professional.
  •  Look for EPA-registered pesticides.
  •  Bed bugs must be listed on the label.
  •  Use foggers (bug bombs) only with extreme care. Improper use can harm your health or cause a fire/explosion.
  •  Because foggers work with a broadcast spraying action, they should not be used as the sole source of bed bug control. The spray will not reach the cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide.
  •  See Should I Use a Fogger?
  •  Every few days after you complete your initial cleanup and control processes, carefully look for any evidence of bed bugs.

If you see bed bugs, that means that either the initial cleanup missed some individuals or that eggs have hatched (finding and removing or killing all eggs can be very difficult) and retreatment may be needed.

If repeated treatments are needed, consider using pesticides with different modes of action.

Desiccants (drying agents) can be particularly effective in some situations since they work by drying out the bug (which means the bed bugs can’t develop resistance to it).

If using desiccants, be sure to use only products registered as a pesticide.

Do not use pool or food-grade diatomaceous earth – this type of diatomaceous earth can harm you when you breathe it in. The pesticide version uses a different size of diatoms, which reduces the hazard.

Desiccants can be very effective; however, they can take up to several months to work.

Treat other areas in your home.  This is perhaps the most challenging part of do-it-yourself bed bug control.  If you catch an infestation early you may not need to do anything more than treat and isolate your bed as described above.  But if an infestation has spread to other parts of the home, bed isolation may not be good enough. Here is where professional help may be needed, especially if you’re not up to moving furniture. Still determined?  Here are some tips that may improve your chances of success:

Prepare the room by separating treated from untreated furniture.  This will involve moving all your furniture to one side of the infested room (Remember, you’ve already assessed which rooms you think are infested.  You may not need to do this in every room).  The process is important because if you treat half of the items in a room and leave other areas untreated, bed bugs may return to the previously treated areas from untreated sites. Take all clothes from drawers, infested closets, etc. and double bag them in clear plastic bags (clear bags are easier to see where things are). Also, double bag all personal items (toys, papers, books, electronics, CDs, or anything that could serve as a hiding place for bed bugs) and set them aside until they can be carefully treated, cleaned or inspected.


Systematically treat the room–all cracks and crevices around windows, outlets, blinds, pictures, posters and clocks on walls, baseboards, under edges of carpets and any other crevices or void areas in the room. Remember that immature bed bugs are very tiny. Dozens of bed bugs can hide in a recessed screw hole in a bed frame or dresser. Therefore, it’s important that no hiding place be overlooked. Treatment can include vacuuming, but should not be limited to vacuuming only. Vacuums do not remove eggs, and will likely not remove all bed bugs from deeply infested cracks and crevices. Vacuums can remove many bed bugs from mattresses and the exterior of box springs (remember to immediately double-bag the vacuum bag after cleaning and dispose of outside in a trash can or dumpster). Sticky tape is another method of picking up bed bugs from furniture, walls, etc.

Systematically examine and treat all furniture (beds, bed frames, dressers, chairs, couches, night stands, etc.) following the same procedures and recommendations above. As a piece is treated it can be returned to the parts of the room that have been treated.  Note that furniture should be taken apart, drawers and cushions removed in order to inspect and treat every nook and cranny. When treating upholstered furniture, pay attention to each welt, button and fold. You may wish to discard low-value, stuffed furniture that is infested and too difficult to treat.  After spraying, return each article of furniture to the part of the room that has been treated. Do not reintroduce any furniture or other items to the treated room until they have been thoroughly cleaned, inspected or treated.

Treat or isolate your bagged items. For washable items research shows that dry cleaning, washing in hot water for 30 minutes, or tumble drying for 30 minutes on high will kill all stages of bed bugs. Non-washables are a little trickier.  Items that aren’t needed for a while can just be stored. It takes 2-5 months to kill bed bugs by isolating them in bags (the warmer the temperature, the shorter the survival time for starving bed bugs). Heating bags by placing in direct sunlight is one of the most effective methods during the warm summer months.  Seven pounds of items placed in clear bags in direct sunlight on a 95 degree day will get hot enough to kill all bed bug life stages in one afternoon.  Also, placing bagged items in a chest freezer (0 degrees F) for 8-10 hours is lethal for bed bugs and their eggs. Some toys may be disinfested by cleaning with hot soapy water and/or rubbing alcohol.

Select and use insecticides safely. There are no magic sprays that kill bed bugs very well.  Most commercial insecticides will kill bed bugs if applied carefully and directly to the insects and their hiding places. An exception is “Bug bombs”, or aerosol foggers. Foggers are mostly ineffective in controlling bed bugs. Because bed bugs hide in crevices and voids where aerosols do not penetrate, they are able to avoid contact with these insecticides. Their use is not recommended. Some of the products you may find helpful include:

Desiccant dusts.  Two low toxicity dusts with good effectiveness include silica aerogel and diatomaceous earth (DE).  Both of these dusts are low risk to humans, and work by desiccating, or drying out, bed bugs that come in contact with it. Silica aerogel is, in some studies, superior for this purpose.  It is sold under various trade names including Tri-Die™ and CimeXa™.  Diatomaceous earth can also be effective.  Look for DE for insect control–it is not the same product as diatomaceous earth used in swimming pool filters, which is dangerous to breath. Some pest control companies now use desiccant dusts extensively in bed bug control. These relatively inexpensive dust can be purchased online or in garden centers or hardware stores. Look for products labeled for indoor use and lightly dust all accessible crack, crevices and voids.  A paint brush is useful for applying these dusts to seams and crevices in sofas and mattresses, along baseboards and inside drawers and dressers.

Low toxicity contact sprays like SteriFab™ or Bedlam® are likely to kill bed bugs only on contact. Alcohol- and soap-based sprays, are only partly effective. All of these products, once dry, are likely to provide no further control. Eggs will not be killed by alcohol-based sprays, so repeat treatments are usually needed. Be careful when using sprays containing alcohol because they may be flammable.

Two plant oil-based products were recently evaluated and found surprisingly effective against bed bugs and their eggs.  EcoRaider™ and Bed Bug Patrol™ received top ratings compared to other over the counter sprays in a Rutgers University study.

Pyrethroid sprays are among the stronger and longer-lasting pesticides, but most bed bugs are resistant to these sprays to some degree. Special care should be taken when using pyrethroid sprays, especially when children are present. Only use pyrethroids in places indicated on the label. Do not spray electrical outlets with any type of liquid spray. Spraying should be done when children are not present, and all label directions followed carefully.

Track your success. Interceptor cups under your bed posts are also one of the best ways of keeping track of your success with bed bug control. Check the cups regularly and empty into a trash bag or bucket of soapy water.  You may even want to keep track of how many bed bugs you catch weekly so that you can track your success. Wipe out the interceptors and make sure they are clean. Some devices, like the Climbup Interceptor, require redusting with a very small amount of talcum powder to make them slippery again and reduce the bed bug’s chance of escape. Note that talc is not toxic to bed bugs, but simply makes it harder for them to climb out of the cup.  The talc should be barely visible, and more is definitely not better.

Pesticides should always be used with caution, and especially when used indoors.  Never use a pesticide for bed bugs that does not bear clear directions stating that it can be used indoors.  Never spray yourself, children or pets with a pesticide.  And follow the label safety directions carefully.  Pesticide labels contain directions for use that are not merely suggestions.  Failure to follow directions exactly is illegal and can result in poor control and possible harm to yourself and family.


If all this sounds like a lot of work, the fact is that it is.  A well-informed client, working with a trained pest management professional, provide an effective team in combating bed bugs. Fortunately, there are multiple methods of control that are available to pest management professionals, including vacuuming, steaming, freezing, heat treatments, use of mattress and box spring encasements, fumigation, and the professional and licensed use of appropriate insecticides. Because of the complex nature of bed bugs, multiple service visits may be required to ensure they are properly eliminated.

For more assistance on getting a bed bug problem identified and controlled, contact us at Double G Pest Control for assistance.

We can be reached at (217)440-2847 or (573)713-0035.

Additional Resources.






Bed Bug Advisory

Bed bugs are on the rise

Bed bug advisory

It is well known that bed bugs have been on the rise in North America for the last 10 years.  Numerous research labs are studying this pest to understand bed bug behavior such as feeding, mating, egg laying, maturation and mobility.  There are different strains of bed bugs found around the country and each has different levels of resistance to commonly used insecticides.  Different strains of bed bugs can take an hour to several hours to succumb to lethal exposure of insecticides used to treat bed bug problems.

Bed Bug on skin

Getting a blood meal is crucial for bed bug development and reproduction.  Finding and feeding on a host is essential to bed bug survival.  All stages of bed bugs use blood as a food source, which they can get from humans, dogs and cats, birds and rabbits.

Bite symptoms typically show on exposed skin surfaces and are often in rows and clusters. Bed bug bites can look like many other reactions. Studies show many people who are exposed to bed bugs will either show delayed or no symptoms at all.

Over the last decade pest management professionals (PMPs) have seen a large influx of products and technologies aimed at preventing and eliminating the bed bug.  Commercial pest control service programs aim to protect their residential customers and commercial clients such as hotels, multi-unit apartments, beds, guests and reputations from bed bug infestations.

Bed bug treatment options

There are many treatment options for bed bug infestations.  There is no “one right” way. While heat treatment, fumigation, non-chemical approaches, pesticides and IPM can all work, it’s not about what you use but rather how you use it.  Pest management professionals have a full tool box of options from which to choose.  Concerns over resistance to some insecticides used by PMPs to eliminate these most unwanted pests from homes, apartments, condominiums, hotels and dormitories have arisen.  One of the most common infestation sources for bed bugs is used furniture. Not only these places but also public places where people gather in are becoming feeding grounds for these prolific pests.  Children from homes were infestations are occurring have been found to be transporting bed buds in their clothing and book bags to schools spreading the bed bugs to more public places adding to more and more public hysteria about this pest.

From a recent article in Pest Control on line, “a University of Kentucky study surveyed more than 2,000 frequent business and leisure travelers to determine their preferences when choosing a hotel and how bed bugs influence their decisions. The report revealed that on average a single report of a bed bug lowers the value of a room by $38 for business travelers and $23 for leisure travelers, respectively. The study also showed the monetary value for travelers’ concerns about bed bugs make it one of the most important considerations when selecting or grading a hotel.  This should make hotel general managers and operations directors sit up and take notice because the highly sought-after business traveler represents the potential for multiple stays and is willing to pay a premium price.”

“When asked what they would do if they read an online review of a property that mentioned bed bugs, the majority of both business and leisure travelers responded they would book a room elsewhere.”

Reference: http://www.pctonline.com/article/a-fungus-among-us-that-kills-bed-bugs/

Since the bed bug resurgence started a decade ago, pest management professionals have taken a mostly reactive approach to solving customers’ bed bug problems. In fact according to a survey by Specialty Consultants there was an increase of 11.4% in the number of bed bug jobs complete by PMPs in 2016 over 2015.  In the Midwest, bed bugs are now the second highest revenue generating pest for professional pest control companies.  Bed bugs are expected to be a $1 Billion dollar annual service by the year 2020.  High-rise apartments have been identified as suffering those most severe bed bug infestations.

Baits and sprays have strengths that can complement each other and effectively address both pest prevention and infestation management.  Also, use of vacuum or steamer and consideration for the use of mattress encasements and monitors.

Heat is a great way to treat for bed bugs, but it involves a full day of work, so it can be costly. For companies that take an integrated approach to bed bug control they have to be aware of pesticide resistance.

There are numerous approaches to killing bed bugs and if done properly, the problem should go away. To get it done properly, safely and in an environmentally friendly manner businesses and consumers need to hire a professional pest control company like Double G Pest Control.  It takes through training, effective control tools and techniques and customer cooperation to get control of this pest and eliminate it.


How to Manage Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are not likely as well as undesirable housemates you could currently have. They could never ever be as gross and also terrifying as other pests and also bugs like cockroaches, but they can be really frustrating.

Adult bed bug, Cimex lectularius

Bed bugs are bugs that thrive on little openings, cracks or crevices in wall surfaces and also floorings. Normally, bed bugs prefer to stay in dark and also messy edges or parts of your home.

Bed bugs draw blood. It is their main ways of making a living. Thus, they go out in the evening and suck blood from innocent victims, who may be sleeping already.

Bed bugs do not transportation or bring contagious illness, bu their bites could get really scratchy. To some individuals, especially the a lot more delicate ones, bed bugs’ attacks could pose major health and wellness circumstances.

Regulating bed bugs

So the standard inquiry you will want without a doubt (thinking that your home is infested with bed bugs) is,” Just how are bed bugs problem regulated?”

There are a number of steps or implies to regulate bed bugs.

For a beginning, you could begin by protecting against the occurrence or presence of bed bugs in your home. If your home is still not infested, be sure to recognize how to avoid them.

Tidiness is one crucial factor in controlling or avoiding bed bugs from growing in your home. Make sure to earn your furniture, walls, as well as floor spic and span.

Bed bugs enjoy to flourish in beds, so, make certain your bed is completely protected. Frequently change your bed sheets and also make certain the bed does not have unneeded openings or tears.

If your residence currently has bed bugs on it, a simple way to control problem is by applying pesticides or insecticides to the infested areas.

A variety of readily available chemicals especially formulated for bed bugs control are available and also easily accessible in the marketplace. In using one, simply make sure to thoroughly check out all tags and instructions prior to use.

Chemicals, obviously, are comprised of harsh chemicals that could surely knock out pests like bed bugs. These chemicals are so hazardous, that besides controlling bed bugs, they could also position carcinogen or threats to you.

Working with specialists
The most effective and possibly the most smart solution to managing bed bugs invasion is through looking for the specialist aid and also solutions of experts– pest control companies.

Managing bed bugs is not a ‘spur of the moment’ point. A whole lot as well as thorough preparation needs to be carried out ahead of time. Prior to looking for the expert assistance, be prepared to throw out numerous materials and also furniture, if ever the specialists will recommend you to.

There are a number of pest control companies in your region. All you need to do is to grab the phone, as well as wait on a couple of hours.

If you are staying in a house, coordinate with your land lord or land girl. It is their obligation making all the necessary arrangements for pest control procedures.

State and also civil laws mandate them to make sure that their building is risk-free and also pest-free. Speak with them and know the arrangements for pest control service fee repayments.

When you plan to manage bed bugs problem in your home with the help of professionals, likewise be sure to notify or alert your neighbors.

It is due to the fact that some deposits or have an odor of the pest control chemicals may reach their homes. If ever, that will certainly publish serious health and wellness dangers for them.

Since bed bugs are so relentless, anticipate the process of controlling them to be really tiresome. Bugs have that basic features– they are so durable and their systems are so solid.

Generally, managing bed bugs the specialists’ way could take a couple of hours, due to the fact that the professionals have to check for any type of gaps, small splits or openings where bed bugs may be concealing.

Furnishings and house accessories will certainly additionally need to be checked to earn sure the therapy will certainly not miss on any solitary pest.

At times, pest control experts could suggest you to dispose of a number of furniture, particularly beds. Is because, most beds are composed foams or products that have tiny openings on it, which is really optimal for bed bugs to hide in.

In disposing or disposing of beds, make sure that it can never ever be used by other individuals once again. Otherwise, bed bugs will move from your house to anothers spreading the problem.

Due to the fact that environmental worries will certainly rule out burning, you will definitely need to place the bed into a special encasing or pest, making sure all bed bugs on it are entraped within.

5 Good Reasons You Know it’s Time to Call a Pest Control Company

Pest Control Company

Pest control is a serious consideration for every homeowner.  Many people opt to handle pest control themselves, and some are even successful at it.  However, there are circumstances when it is best that you leave your pest problems in the hands of experienced professionals.  When should you call in for help from the experts?  Here are five good reasons you know it’s time to call a pest control company:

Your home is infested with termites

Termites are perhaps one of the most difficult pests to rid your home of.  Termite control involves using machinery to locate termite colonies and to drill into your home’s foundation, where the termite poison is placed.  Chances are you have neither the know-how nor the tools with which to do this.  Best to leave this job up to a professional.

Bed bugs

Contrary to popular belief, these pests hide out in a number of places outside of your sleeping quarters, and are often extremely difficult to find.  If you feel the itch of bed bugs when you lie down in your bed, then you can bet that there is a whole family of like-minded pests hiding in very elusive locations.  Pest control professionals know exactly where to look, and also how to treat bed bugs in stages, which is the only way of preventing the problem from reoccurring.

You’re not sure what the problem is?

You know that you have an infestation of something, because you are seeing the signs throughout your home.  Unfortunately, you haven’t been able to catch any of those little buggers in action, and you therefore have no idea what you’re up against.  The professionals can help you identify exactly what kind of pest you are dealing with.

Stinging insects

These pests present an immediate danger to your well being, and anything you do to upset them only increases your risk of ending up in the emergency room with life-threatening stings.  For safety purposes, leave this job to a pest control company.

The pest problem is chronic

So you did everything you were supposed to do and the pests went away . . . for a while, that is.  When they came back, they came back with a vengeance, and you have been stuck in this cycle for a while.  If your do-it-yourself pest control methods are only helping on a temporary basis, then you should enlist the help of a pest control company for ongoing maintenance of your pest problem.

As you can see, there are some clear-cut situations in which hiring a pest control company is advised.  Put  your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached by phone, at 217-440-2847, or by email: ggpest1@gmail.com.