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Pest Control for Mice

Mice, mouse A bunch of mice running around[/caption]

Pest Control for Mice

Of all the pest problems people have, it seems they are most squeamish about mice.  It’s hard to say exactly why just the sight of a mouse is enough to send many people running for safety.  The only obvious thing is that people generally can’t stand the thought of sharing a home with those little furry creatures.  Why get rid of mice?  Well, in addition to the fact that, to many, they are just plain creepy, mice cause a considerable amount of damage – from toxic droppings to gnawed-up furniture.  If you have a population of mice living in your home, or even just a single mouse, then you need to know what you can do to solve your problem.  Here is a guide to pest control for mice:


Keep mice from entering your home in the first place by taking preventative measures.  Block off or seal all cracks, crevices, and holes through which mice may enter your home.  This means any space that is bigger than the cap of a pen.  Also, keep your home free of possible food and water sources for mice.  Cleanliness is everything when it comes to this, as even the tiniest crumbs left under a cabinet can be very tempting for mice.

Mouse traps

These simple devices are an easy and effective way to solve your mouse problem – as long as you only have one or a few.  Simply place baited mouse traps where you know mice are likely to congregate, and then check your traps every day to see if you’ve made a catch.

Poisoned bait

You can purchase mouse bait at any hardware, home improvement, or chain retail store.  Mice are attracted to the bait, which seems like food to them.  When they eat the bait, they poison themselves and die within hours.  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when it comes to using mouse bait properly.

Mouse trap glue board

Mouse trap glue board

Glue boards

These are exactly what they sound like: boards coated with glue.  The way they work is just as simple: mice who run over the glue boards get stuck in the glue and are therefore trapped.  Glue boards are highly effective, and are non-toxic (which is important if you have pets or small children).  All you have to do is check your glue boards on a daily basis and dispose of dead mice immediately.

Of course, if you are not comfortable with handling your own pest control, you may also opt to put your pest control into the hands of professionals like us, Double G Pest Control.

We can be reached at Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email: ggpest1@gmail.com.

Best Ways to Stop Your Rodent Problem

Stop Your Rodent Problem

For many, just the word “rodent” is enough to send them running for shelter somewhere high away from those creepy critters.  If you have a rodent problem, then you know how disruptive (and downright disturbing) it can be for everyone who lives in your home.  Fortunately, rodent issues can be cured if you take proper measures.  Want to know how?  Here are the best ways to stop your rodent problem:

Identify the rodent problem

Rodent problems are not only limited to rats and mice.  In order to treat your problem, you must first determine what you are dealing with.  Common pest rodents (besides those previously mentioned) include squirrels, bats, and even raccoons!


This is perhaps the most important thing you can do to keep rodents at bay.  A clean house ensures that there are no food sources to tempt rodents in and support their growth and reproduction.  All of those dark areas under your kitchen appliances (stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, etc.) are common food collection areas, and are therefore ideal rodent hangouts.  Clean these spaces regularly.  Also, be careful not to leave food or drinks out on tables and countertops overnight, and keep your pet’s food sealed in an airtight container.  When it comes to the outdoors, clear your property of dead brush, where rodents like to hide, and keep any lumber piles elevated off the ground.

Seal off rodent entry points

Inspect your home for areas where rodents may gain entry.  Look for cracks under doorways where weather stripping can be applied, gaps in tile roofs (rodents can actually chew through your roof and gain entry into your home through your attic), cracks in the foundation, and pipes and vents that lead from the outside in.

Rodent traps

For large rodents, you may set up a box trap.  Basically, you just set up a pet carrier with a trap door that falls when a lever, inside the box, is tripped by the rodent.  For smaller rodents like mice, you can set up mouse traps throughout the home.

Baits for rodents

If your home is host to more than just a few rodents, you may need to bait the rodent population to get rid of them on a large scale.  Purchase rodent bait from any chain retailer, hardware, or home improvement store, and then follow the manufacturer’s directions for usage.

If you are not comfortable handling rodent problems on your own, you can choose to put your rodent control into the hands of professionals like us.

Contact us at Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email: ggpest1@gmail.com.

7 Pest Control Tips

Pest control tips

If pests are a concern for you and you’d like to see to it that you have to deal with pests as little as possible, then you will be pleased to know that there are some very basic things you can do to keep pests at bay, and/or to rid your home of pests if you already have an infestation.  Interested in learning how?  Read up on these seven great pest control tips:

Seal off entry ways

Pests may enter your home in a number of different places.  Common entry ways are cracks around the doors and windows, holes and crevices in the walls, and through the foundation.  Inspect for possible pest entry points and seal them off.

Standing water

The most common cause of mosquito infestation is standing water outside.  This could be anything from the kiddie pool behind the house to that tiny puddle of water in your driveway.  Any water that has been sitting for a long period of time in a mosquito zone will become a mosquito breeding ground at one point or another.  Investigate your yard for culprits and clean them up immediately.


If you find that your home is already host to a pest colony, then you can take some do-it-yourself measures to rid your home of the pests by baiting them.  Simply purchase the appropriate bait at any local hardware store and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


Borax is a great insect poison.  If you have roaches in the house, sprinkle it where you know they hang out (and where you know children and/or animals won’t be playing).  For ants, mix borax with sugar and sprinkle the mixture around the perimeter of your foundation.  The sugar will attract the ants, and the borax will poison them.

Don’t feed pests

Pests need food to survive.  What’s more is that they are often invited into your home by the pleasant scent of food.  Make sure there are no food sources that can attract pests in your home.

Warm and moist environments

Remember that most pests thrive in dank environments.  Go through your home and do your best to make sure you’re not hosting a pest hot-spot.  Every space, even those you don’t see on a day-to-day basis, should have ample ventilation and should be free of standing water.


Don’t forget that not all pests are insects.  Rodents are common pests, and you can go a long way in controlling them by setting traps in all those dark hideouts where rodents can be found.

Of course, the simplest and easiest way to control pests is to enlist the help of professionals.

Contact Double G Pest Control by phone, at 217-440-2847, or email: ggpest1@gmail.com.